Projet de Centre Bouddhiste Tibétain et de Centre de retraite de l'école Nyingma sous l'autorité spirituelle du Venerable Yomed Rinpoché Spiti Tulku en France.
Pema Lingpa Empowerments, 2011. Events with Dzongzar Khyense Rinpoche.
zin Pema Lingpa was one of the Five King Treasure Revealers and was born in Bumthang, Bhutan in 1450 and passed away in 1521. There are several books published in English about him. Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche was very instrumental in propagating and re-establishing his treasure teachings in Tibet, Bhutan, India and and Nepal. There is a Lhakang at Urgyen Sangnag Choling for the practice of the Pema Lingpa tradition which has been active for....
Dudjom Lingpa Empowerments, 2012. Events with Dzongzar Khyense Rinpoche.

Retreat Center
Yomed Rinpoche is building a retreat center that will have eight retreat houses each for both the Dudjom Lineage and Pema Lingpa tradition practitioners and a small Lhakhang to be used for feast practice and group practice on the special calendar days.
Helps !
Monastery Building Project
Hospital Project
School for young monks and village children
Ani Gonpa (Nuns Monastery)
Retreat Center
If you wish to make a donation to any of Spiti Tulku's various activities listed , please contact David Warren at dawala1@gmail.com specifying which project you would like to support.

Guru Rinpoche Padma Sambhava


Chatral Rinpoche

Enseignement du Dalai Lama

Dalai Lama Longchenpa Teaching

Dalai Lama Teaching in Spiti

Spiti Valley